Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010


Papua, formerly known by the name of Irian Jaya. Regions in located in the western part of Papua New Guinea, the second largest island in the world. Indonesian controlled territory in the west while the eastern part of the territory of Papua New Guinea.

The island is mostly covered with dense forest which is still unexploited. Here there are tribes that still exist promitif, despite the harsh living conditions and the influence of modernization. Being in the middle of the forest, amid isolated tribes of this modern civilization, you will feel back to the megalithic civilization era, where people are still using stone tools, canine or animal bones as tools of everyday life.

This is the house of Dani tribe who live clustered around the valley Baliem, Asmat famous as an artist and woodcarver true international class and is no less unique is a tribe that lived in the tree house and known as the Korowai tribe.

If you thirst for experience and exploration of wild nature and human civilization era stone age, a trip into the woods in the interior of Papua will take you to witness the hidden tradition of the Dani, Asmat and Korowai. There you can see the true beauty and richness of the culture of Papua primitive civilization. Given the fact that Papua is a vast area along routes that are difficult to reach them, this journey itself needs more money, time and extra patience.

Baliem Valley - The Dani Houses

Baliem valley located in central Papua, is precisely in the region of Jayawijaya foremost tourist destination in Papua. Natural beauty combined with the population who still live simply from nature.

Tribe called a primitive tribe of stone age relics of civilization is one of the oldest relics of which still survive, escape from the harsh conditions and technological advances in this era of modernization sekarng. This place can be reached by plane from Wamena or walking for five hours.

Waisaput is a traditional village in the Baliem Valley. Here you can see the traditional wedding and Dani mummi estimated 200 years old as seen in pictures!

Puncak Jaya Wijaya

Jaya Wijaya mountain range located in the central part of Papua, precisely in the area Jayawijiya. The highest peaks include Peak Trikora, Jaya, Yamin and Mandala. Dani, Yali, Ndunga and Ngalum inhabit this region.

Puncak Jaya is located at an altitude of 5.500 meters above sea level is the highest peak in Papua bahakan in Indonesia. At the top of the snow could be found. To reach this peak takes about 10 and 20 days. Castensz peak located on the north wall of this mountain, while below him are the New Zealand Pass, climbing the most dangerous areas and greatly feared the climbers.

by: Syarif Hidayatullah

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