Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Beautiful Tourism Object in Aceh

Aceh is geographically located at latitude (5.19 degrees) 5° 11' 24" North of the Equator and longitude (97.14 degrees) 97° 8' 24" East of the Prime Meridian on the Map of the world.

The locations related to Lhokseumawe (Aceh) are represented by the shortest distances between two points on Earth and may not be nearest by road. For example, Lhokseumawe (Aceh) is located 18.6 kilometre from Lhok Sukon, Indonesia: Lhok Sukon Airport [LSX]. Lhokseumawe (Aceh) is located 50 kilometre from Bireun (Aceh). Lhokseumawe (Aceh) is located 121.1 kilometre from Langsa (Aceh). Lhokseumawe (Aceh) is located 152.8 kilometre from Meulaboh, Indonesia: Seunagan [MEQ]. Lhokseumawe (Aceh) is located 162.5 kilometre from Meulaboh (Aceh).

Aceh provides many tourism places that can be visited, among others
1. Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman

Located in downtown Banda Aceh, which is a mosque in Pasar Aceh Aceh community pride.

History records in earlier times in this place stood a mosque Kingdom of Aceh. When the Dutch attacked the town of Banda Aceh in 1873 the mosque was burned, but to dampen the anger of the people of Aceh in 1875

Dutch rebuilding a mosque that stood majestic as his successor today.

This single-domed mosque was built on December 27, 1883. Subsequently it expanded into third mosque dome in 1935. Last expanded into five dome (1959-1968)

2. Gunongan

Gunongan is a heritage building of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1608-1636) for his queen Princess Phang.Menurut history, Princess Phang'll always feel nostalgic hometown, Pahang - Malaysia. Sultan later learned that the queen's ire because in Pahang palace is surrounded by hills where the empress could play, but not here.

Then the Sultan to build an artificial mountain that is where the empress may memanjatinya structure's history. Once the building is ready, the empress to be happy and spend more time here, especially when the sun will sink. Structure's history lies in a complex on Jl Teuku Umar Banda Aceh, where the area escaped the tsunami malignancy.

3. Krueng Raya

Krueng Raya is 35 km from Banda Aceh is a region name. In this area there is a port named "Port Malahayati" is often used people of Banda Aceh to cross to the island of Weh (Sabang). Finally disabled the port after the port of Ulee Saving Energy Lamp enable a more stately built (but the same devastated by the Tsunami). Krueng Kingdom which includes the areas worst affected by the damage caused by the tsunami can be taken within 30 minutes from Banda Aceh.

In this area is also very famous with its beach named Ujong Batee, where in addition to its beautiful beaches there are also a quite magnificent restaurant that serves food that is typical of the famous Aceh Besar Crab, Shrimp, Oysters, Turtle Eggs, and various marine products and agricultural other. Ujong Batee own beach located about 17 km east of Banda Aceh. The beach is overgrown with dense pine trees is a protector of visitors when the hot days comfortable enough to relax. Ujong Batee in Aceh language means the Edge of the Rock, probably given this name because of the beaches that we can immediately see the other side of the island of Sabang.

4. Taman Wisata Alam Laut Pulau Weh

At Taman Wisata Alam Laut (TWA) Pulau Weh, Sabang there are coral reefs, both hard corals and soft corals of all types, shapes and colors, all of which form a cluster of interesting reef to be enjoyed, among other areas of coral reefs with names lupas, rock deer, rock crackers.

In addition to coral reefs, Taman Wisata Alam Laut Pulau Weh, Sabang can find the kinds of reef fish such as Angel fish, fish Tropet, Dunsel fish, fish Sergeon, Grope fish, Parrot fish and others. These fish are around Pulau Weh Marine TWA and some are endemic in this region. In addition, many found the kinds of economic value such as tuna fish, Kakap, Grouper, Parrot, Banana-Pisangan and others.

Nature tourism activities that can be done in Pulau Weh is TWA Sea tourist activities such as surfing, boat, swimming, fishing, and diving under the water to enjoy nature with the diversity of coral reefs and reef fish are beautiful.

update soon

by : pandu pebriatmoko/ 114080014

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