Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

History of Bangka Belitung province

Bangka Belitung Islands Province region consists of two large islands of Bangka and Belitung islands and small islands. Before the capitulation Tutang Bangka and Belitung islands are conquered area of Sriwijaya, Majapahit and Mataram. After that, Bangka Belitung became the British colony and later implemented handover to the Dutch government in Muntok held on December 10, 1816. In the Dutch colonial period, there was no resistance incessantly by Barin Depati then continued by his son, named Pangkal Pinang and ended with the exile to Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara by the Dutch Government. During the colonial period was a lot of wealth in the island is taken by the colonizer.

Bangka Belitung Islands Province established as a province to 31 by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with Law No. 27 Year 2000 on the Establishment of Bangka Belitung Islands Province was previously a part of South Sumatra Province.
This provincial capital is Pangkalpinang.

Another interesting thing is the story about the background history of independence. The founders of the Indonesian people had thrown to first turned out to Bangka. Bung Karno, Bung Hatta and his friends had time to live life as an exile in the city Muntok. Recorded traces of their struggle is still strong among the public with the presence of two historic buildings namely Wisma Ranggam and Pesanggrahan Menumbing. In this two-building visitors can see relics such as the former's room, Bung Karno and is often used when their car was in Bangka.

To see the development of tin mining there in Pangkalpinang Tin museum and the Museum of Geology at the Pacific Islands who also presents a collection of various weapons and Pacific Islands cultures.

Culture of Bangka Belitung province

Besides beaches, Bangka is also known by its cultural diversity. From local culture to the culture of "Import" which brought the settlers. Cultural diversity is what would later become important assets for developing tourism.

Bangka island surrounded by ocean, like a paradise-a paradise for fishermen. That piece of mirror on the cultures of fishermen on the island once known as producer of tin.

During its development, the community background of Bangka, mostly fishermen, apparently also influence the growth of the local culture. Although the current lifestyle of the people of Bangka has begun to shift, which contains elements of local culture still remains strong coloring fishermen life aspects of the society. At least this time there are two major cultural events associated with the fishermen, that is, the ceremony marked kasan and dispose jong.

In addition there are cultural rituals are influenced by religious elements, while the lion dance performances representing the cultural arts community entrants (Tionghoa)

But among the many cultural rituals in Bangka, sedulang sepintu ceremony may have special meanings. This is a ritual that illustrates the unity of the people of Bangka.

Sepintu Sedulang

Search sepintu sedulang the slogan and motto which means that the people of Bangka and trade associations as well as collaborative events. This ritual is an activity Bangka island population at village festivals to bring the tray full of food for consumption guests know anybody in the customs station.

In this ritual, reflected how the high taste menjujung Bangka community associations and unions as well as collaborative events, not just local residents but also conducted with the immigrants.

Soul collaborative community events Bangka high enough. Citizens will be stretched out his hand to help if any member of the citizens memerlukanya. All these people running the mission Sepintu Sedulang. Life can be seen, for example, when harvesting pepper, custom events, a reminder of the days of religious, perkawianan and death. This event is called "Nganggung", ie each household activities mengantarkan food with trays, namely remaining large round.

There was also a wide range of cultures and customs of the farts, among others:

* Rebo kasan
* Discard Joang
* Ceriak Nerang
* War Ketupat
* Mandi Belimau well,
* Married Bulk

Pantai Pasir Padi

Rice Sand Beach is 7 km from the capital Pangkalpinang Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Rice Sand Beach is the only one of the busiest tourist area visited Pangkalpinang city community. Pasir Padi has characteristics of white sandy beaches with calm blue sea. at the beach this morning rays of the sun radiating beautiful every day, so many tourists both from nearby, from various areas outside the island of Bangka, even from abroad, visited the sandy beaches of rice.

Paddy Sands uniqueness that has a coastline 100 to 300 m is the calm waves and contours of the solid sand, white and smooth.
Therefore, this beach is comfortable for even pedestrians can pass by four wheels or two wheels.

Beaches which have a very beautiful natural scenery is located not far from the island of Punan, which can be visited on foot when the tide is low. In addition, there are also Semujur Island and Long Island which is about 2.5 km in waters off Pasir Padi.

Beach tours visit the most liked by all age levels is very convenient for bathing or sunbathing, because the warmth of the seawater, and calm the waves.
Many groups of visitors who had come to play football on the beach. For the youth who have the dynamic nature of this coast is a paradise for complaining dexterity and speed of motorcycles. Even the Association of Motor Indonesia (IMI) is often held motorcycle races, as the distribution of the dynamic spirit of young kids-kebutan racing fans on the road. Toward dusk many visitors come simply to enjoy the evening air and watch the festivities Sands Rice. Pasir Padi often become places like pechun religious event organizers and other events.

To support the tourism sector Pasir Padi, a number of accommodation such as hotels, with full facilities such as restaurants and conference rooms, exhibitions, etc., are available. Besides the traditional food stalls serving a variety of seafood to add variety of accommodation beach.

Source :

Situs Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Bangka Belitung (akses 31 Mei 2010)

By Anggi Satriadi /111061013

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